Covering LED strip lighting to avoid blue lights in a midday saves your eyes from a burning stage. Too much sharpness gleaming from LED light is the main reason for your weak eyesight. So, cover for LED lights is the ideal choice for you. Yet, is it safe to cover led lights? Never abandon your hope! We will give you authentic logical reasoning for your concern. Yeah, you read it right! You will be receiving every information within one article.

Does that seem like a fantasy world? We hope you have been wake up. That is beyond thinking capability! We have inserted something awesome in the form of a huge surprise. You will achieve it while reading the article carefully. All of your questions will be cleared through the FAQs section.

Now, with all speed, let us put in gear! 

1.    Painted Tape

The most proven hack for making your place alluring is the installation of painted tape over lights. The LED lights sometimes looks boring linked with the theme of room. Everything needs a good change after a while. So, you might get bored with the ceiling of your room. Don’t be sad! Painted tape is all you need to work on for a magnificent look. Here is the steps to be followed! Place a piece of tape all over your LED light. Now, choose a color of your choice. Paint it well so that no corner left behind empty.

2.    DIY Blackout Stickers

If you are in mood to do some funky stuff, DIY is all you are craving for. For that, you will be required to have an electrical tape, wax paper, and hole punch. Now, insert a piece of electrical on a wax paper to achieve a stability. Punch out a hole with a hole punch from the circles of taped area. A hole will be created with a polished ending like a pro. Are you happy for a perfect establishment of a hole? Of course, you will be able to peel off the wax side from the hole. Lastly, grab your favorite sticker to cover your LED. Stickers can be on plain color or embellished with beautiful designs. Designs can vary with the structure. Yet, you can select a flowery stickers matched with your room theme. You would not believe that your guest will feel relaxing with flowery vibes.

3.    Light Dimming Stickers

Some unique stickers are manufactured for dimming lights. It comes in a market with different sizes and a high level of opacity. They are only utilized for dimming lights. It gives multiples of facilities to set the capacity of dimming light. You can go for totally dim, mostly dim, and slightly dim light as per your choice. Luckily, these amazing stickers are mainly available at Amazon. You can search them on Amazon for reliability. If you are doubtful for the product, you can check the reviews of users. It will help you to take your decision correctly.